
An Evolution Makes A Passion

What’s your passion?

It’s a common question right now, when we’re at the age of “ looking for a job” or “create a job.”

Because, sometimes we find a quote at motivation books, articles, TV programs, even radio shows about this one:
“ suit your passion “

So, when we look for a job, we need to choose a job which is suitable with our own passion.
Sounds comfortable, yeah, because we can work happily. Even if there’s a pressure, we still keep cool cause we love what we do.

But what if, you can find your passion after we do nothing but uninteresting, even we finally find it unawares. I did. And it happen everytime when I almost give up, or feel desperate with my life. 3 things, for examples, the hateful things before, but now these become my passions.
1.     1.   Writing
I didn’t like writing. Write something formal, rigid, with  perfect grammar, and boring such as opinions, essay, report analysis, and soon. Even when I was at the high school, I hate wrote practicum’s analysis although I was one of Sains’ class students. For me, writing whatever like those really isn't interesting at all. I prefer read novels than newspapers. Prefer watch movies than news.
 But I’d like to make poetries and short stories. Because both of them need full imaginations and we can create something unusual on it. I do love fiction. Harry Potter? Trio Detective? Sherlock Holmes? Others fiction genre are my favorites either.



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